UNMC Canvas Login
UNMC Canvas is the University of Nebraska Medical Center’s online learning platform, providing students and faculty with an interactive and collaborative environment to teach and learn. In order to access UNMC Canvas, users must first log in. Here are the steps to help you log in to your UNMC Canvas account:
1. Go to the University of Nebraska Medical Center’s home page at www.unmc.edu.
2. Click on the “Login to Canvas” button located at the top of the page.
3. Enter your UNMC NetID and password into the fields provided.
4. Click the “Sign In” button.
5. You should now be logged in to your UNMC Canvas account.
1. What is UNMC Canvas?
UNMC Canvas is an online learning platform provided by the University of Nebraska Medical Center. It provides students and faculty with an interactive and collaborative environment to teach and learn.
2. How do I log in to UNMC Canvas?
In order to log in to UNMC Canvas, you will need to go to the University of Nebraska Medical Center’s homepage at www.unmc.edu, click on the “Login to Canvas” button at the top of the page, and enter your UNMC NetID and password into the fields provided.
3. What if I have forgotten my UNMC NetID or password?
If you have forgotten your UNMC NetID or password, please contact the UNMC IT Help Desk at 402-559-7700 for assistance.
4. How do I access my course content in UNMC Canvas?
Once you have logged in to UNMC Canvas, you can access your course content by clicking on the “Courses” tab at the top of the page and selecting the appropriate course from the list.
5. How do I contact my instructor in UNMC Canvas?
You can contact your instructor in UNMC Canvas by clicking on the “People” tab at the top of the page and selecting your instructor’s name from the list.
Relevant Links
1. UNMC Homepage: www.unmc.edu
2. UNMC IT Help Desk: http://it.unmc.edu/helpdesk/
3. Canvas Help Center: http://help.unmc.edu/canvas
4. Canvas Student Guide: http://guides.instructure.com/m/4212
5. Tech Tutorials: http://www.unmc.edu/it/tutorials/index.html
6. Canvas Mobile App: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/canvas-by-instructure/id480883488?mt=8
7. Canvas Support: http://help.unmc.edu/canvas/canvassupport.htm
8. Canvas Student Support: http://help.unmc.edu/canvas/student.htm