Hear.com is an online provider of hearing aids, offering personalized service and top-of-the-line products to their customers. With the Hear.com Provider Portal, providers can easily access their patient’s hearing aid orders and account information, as well as manage patient profiles, create custom reports, and more.
Login to Hear.com Provider Portal
Step 1: Open your web browser and type in http://www.hear.com/provider-portal. This will take you to the Hear.com Provider Portal page.
Step 2: On the left side of the page, you will see a box that says “Log In.”
Step 3: Enter your username and password into the respective fields.
Step 4: Click the “Log In” button.
Step 5: You will now be directed to your Hear.com Provider Portal account where you can access your patient’s hearing aid orders and account information, manage patient profiles, create custom reports, and more.
Q1: How do I reset my Hear.com Provider Portal password?
A1: If you forget your password, you can reset it by clicking the “Forgot Your Password?” link on the Log In page.
Q2: What if I can’t remember my username?
A2: If you can’t remember your username, you can contact the Hear.com customer support team at [[email protected]].
Q3: Is my account information secure?
A3: Yes. Hear.com takes security seriously and employs advanced encryption technology to ensure that your account information is secure.
Q4: Is there a way to access my account from my mobile device?
A4: Yes. Hear.com has an app available for both iOS and Android devices.
Q5: Can I access my patient records from the Provider Portal?
A5: Yes. You can access patient records, order history, and financial information from the Provider Portal.
Relevant Links
• Hear.com Provider Portal: http://www.hear.com/provider-portal
• Hear.com Provider Portal FAQs: https://www.hear.com/provider-portal-faqs
• Hear.com Support Team: [[email protected]]
• Hear.com iOS App: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/hear-com/id1110669067
• Hear.com Android App: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.hear.com
• Hear.com Security Information: https://www.hear.com/security-information
• Hear.com Privacy Policy: https://www.hear.com/