Espace CNESST Login:
Espace CNESST is an online portal provided by the Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST), the government of Quebec’s workplace health and safety board. The portal provides employers and employees in Quebec with access to information regarding workplace health and safety regulations, industry-specific best practices, and resources for filing complaints and appeals.
Espace CNESST is an important resource for employers and employees in Quebec, as it provides them with easy access to all of the relevant information and resources they need to ensure that their workplaces are in compliance with health and safety regulations. In order to access the portal, users must first create an account by registering for an Espace CNESST login. This article will explain how to create an Espace CNESST login and access the portal.
Steps to Login:
1. Go to the Espace CNESST website at
2. Click on the “Create an Account” button.
3. Enter your name, email address, and a password.
4. Read and accept the terms of use.
5. Click “Create Account” to complete the registration.
6. You will receive a confirmation email with a link to activate your account.
7. Click on the link to activate your account.
8. Log in to the Espace CNESST portal with your email address and password.
Q1: How do I reset my Espace CNESST password?
A1: If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it by clicking on the “Forgot Password” link on the login page. You will then be asked to enter your email address and a new password will be sent to you.
Q2: Who can use the Espace CNESST portal?
A2: The Espace CNESST portal is available to all employers and employees in Quebec.
Q3: Is the Espace CNESST portal available in English?
A3: Yes, the Espace CNESST portal is available in both English and French.
Q4: Can I access the Espace CNESST portal on my mobile device?
A4: Yes, the Espace CNESST portal is available on both desktop and mobile devices.
Q5: How do I contact the Espace CNESST support team?
A5: You can contact the Espace CNESST support team by email at [email protected] or by phone at 1-800