What is ws edu login?
ws edu login is a portal that provides access to the WSU Learning Management System (LMS) for students, faculty, and staff. It is the primary way to access courses, view grades, and get other important information from the university. The portal is available from any computer with an internet connection, and it is designed to be used with the latest web browsers.
How to login:
1. Go to the WSU login page at https://wsedu.wsu.edu/.
2. Enter your WSU Network ID and password in the appropriate fields.
3. Click the “Login” button.
4. You will be taken to the WSU LMS homepage.
5. From here, you can access your courses, grades, and other important information.
1. What is my WSU Network ID?
Your WSU Network ID is your 10-digit student ID number.
2. How do I reset my password?
If you forget your password, you can reset it by visiting the WSU Network ID Self Service page at https://netid.wsu.edu/self-service/.
3. What if I enter my information incorrectly?
If you enter your login information incorrectly, you will be prompted to try again.
4. What if I have trouble logging in?
If you have trouble logging in, please contact the WSU Help Desk at [email protected] or 509-335-4357.
5. How do I access the WSU LMS from my mobile device?
You can access the WSU LMS from your mobile device by downloading the WSU Mobile app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
Relevant Links:
1. WSU Login Page: https://wsedu.wsu.edu/
2. WSU Network ID Self Service: https://netid.wsu.edu/self-service/
3. WSU Help Desk: [email protected]
4. WSU Mobile App: Apple App Store or Google Play Store
5. WSU Learning Management System: https://lms.wsu.edu/
6. WSU Academic Calendar: https://registrar.wsu.edu/calendars/
7. WSU Academic Catalog: https://catalog.wsu.edu/
8. WSU Student Resources: https://studentaffairs.wsu.edu/student-resources/