WashU Email Login
WashU is the short form of Washington University in St. Louis. It is a private research university located in St. Louis, Missouri. WashU provides a variety of services to its students, faculty, and staff, including access to their own email accounts. Accessing WashU email is simple and straightforward. Here is a guide to help you login and access your WashU email account.
Step 1: Open your web browser and type in “email.wustl.edu” in the address bar.
Step 2: Enter your “WashU email address” in the “Username” field.
Step 3: Enter your “WashU password” in the “password” field.
Step 4: Click “Sign In” to complete the login process.
Step 5: Once you are logged in, you will be directed to your WashU email account.
1. What is the WashU email address?
Your WashU email address is your full name followed by “@wustl.edu”. For example, if your name is John Smith, then your WashU email address would be “[email protected]”.
2. Can I access my WashU email from other devices?
Yes, you can access your WashU email from other devices such as your phone or tablet. To do so, you will need to download the Outlook app or use your web browser to login to your account.
3. What if I forgot my password?
If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it by following the instructions on the WashU website.
4. Can I access my WashU email from off-campus?
Yes, you can access your WashU email from off-campus, as long as you have an internet connection. You will need to login to your account using your web browser or the Outlook app.
5. Can I forward emails from my WashU email account?
Yes, you can forward emails from your WashU email account. To do so, you will need to select the email you want to forward, click the “forward” button, and then enter the email address of the recipient.
Most Relevant Links
• WashU Email Login: https://email.wustl.edu/
• WashU Account Reset: https://wustl.edu/help/account-reset/
• Outlook App Download: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/outlook/download-app
• WashU Technology Services: https://ts.wustl.edu/
• WashU Email Settings: https://ts.wustl.edu/services/email-settings/
• WashU Email Security: https://ts.wustl.edu/services/email-security/
• WashU Email Help: https://www.wustl.edu/help/email/
• WashU Email FAQs: https://ts.wustl.edu/services/email-faq/
• WashU Email Support: https://ts.wustl.edu/contact/