Badgerweb Login
Badgerweb Login is a secure, online portal that allows students, faculty, and staff to access their University of Wisconsin-Madison accounts. It provides users with a quick and convenient way to access university resources and services, such as course registration, course materials, and library services. Badgerweb Login also allows users to check their grades, update personal information, and access their student accounts.
Steps to Login
1. Open your web browser and go to the Badgerweb Login page (
2. Enter your University of Wisconsin-Madison NetID and password.
3. Click “Login.”
4. You will be taken to the Badgerweb Home page.
1. What is Badgerweb Login?
Badgerweb Login is a secure, online portal that allows students, faculty, and staff to access their University of Wisconsin-Madison accounts.
2. How do I access Badgerweb Login?
Go to the Badgerweb Login page ( and enter your University of Wisconsin-Madison NetID and password.
3. What can I do with Badgerweb Login?
With Badgerweb Login, you can check your grades, update personal information, and access your student accounts. It also provides you with a quick and convenient way to access university resources and services, such as course registration, course materials, and library services.
4. What happens if I forget my NetID or password?
If you forget your NetID or password, you can reset it at
5. What if I have problems logging in?
If you are having trouble logging in, please contact the DoIT Help Desk at (608) 264-4357 or [email protected].
Most Relevant Links
1. Badgerweb Login:
Forgot NetID or Password:
2. DoIT Help Desk:
3. IT at UW-Madison:
4. UW-Madison Homepage:
5. MyUW:
6. Student Center:
7. My UW-Madison Resources:
8. UW-Madison Library: